于2010年毕业于科学院烟台海岸带所,主要从事海洋微生物生态研究工作。博士毕业之后,先后在韩国国家海洋所(KORDI)和美国弗罗里达农工大学(FAMU)Henry Neal William教授实验室从事博士后研究工作。2017年1月到北部湾环境演变与资源利用教育部重点实验室(南宁师范大学)参加工作。2023年6月,入职广东海洋大学海洋与气象学院。
入选2017-2022年广西高校引进海外高层次人才“百人计划”,广西高层次人才E类。入选中国环境科学学会、广西药学会、海洋药物专业委员会、湛江侨界青年联合会第一届委员会委员。现已发表论文60余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者在Science of the total environment、mSystems和FEMS Microbiology Ecology等主流期刊,发表SCI论文30余篇,在《生态学报》、《微生物学报》等主流中文期刊,发表论文10余篇。主持广西面上基金1项,广西重点项目1项,国家基金1项。参与广西重点研发项目和广东省教育厅创新团队项目等省部级团队项目各一项。
承担研究生《中文科技论文写作》、国际留学生《Academic Writting》、《Marine Ecology》、《Marine Microbiology》和《Bioinformatics》和本科生《海洋生态学》等课程授课任务。
A 第一作者论文(通讯*,共同第一#)
1. Jiongqing Huang, Huaxian Zhao, WeiJun Wang, Xinyi Qin, Pengbin Wang, Qinghua Hou, Qingxiang Chen, Gonglingxia Jiang, Ke Dong, Tao Jiang, Yang Pu, Nan Li*. Harmful Microalgae Exhibit Broad Environmental Adaptability in High‐Salinity Area Across the Dafengjiang River Estuary. Ecology and Evolution. 2024 (10),ppe70455. doi: 10.1002/ece3.70455. (JCR:Q1;中科院升级版:2区;IF=2.6)
2. Liao N, Pan L, Zhao H, Yang S, Qin X, Huang J, Li X, Dong K, Shi X, Hou Q, Chen Q, Wang P, Jiang G, Li N*. Species pool and soil properties in mangrove habitats influence the species-immigration process of diazotrophic communities across southern China. mSystems. 2024 Jul 9:e0030724. doi:10.1128/msystems.00307-24. (JCR:Q1;中科院升级版:2区TOP;IF=5.0)
3. Qin, X., Hou, Q., Zhao, H., Wang, P., Yang, S., Liao, N., ... & Li, N*. (2024). Resource diversity disturbs marine Vibrio diversity and community stability, but loss of Vibrio diversity enhances community stability. Ecology and Evolution, 2024,14(4), e11234. (JCR:Q1;中科院升级版:2区;IF=2.6)
4. 覃欣怡,赵华显,杨恕,黄炯清,廖能健,李晓丽,姜宫凌侠,李楠*,广西北部湾海洋弧菌多样性研究进展,现代食品科技. 2024,40(1):325-331(北大核心期刊)
5. 杨恕,廖能健,黄海锋,覃欣怡,黄炯清,赵华显,姜宫凌侠,李楠*,广西北部湾茅尾海浮游真菌群落结构及其影响因子,微生物学报. 2023, 63(11): 4399–4413(北大核心期刊)
6. Huaxian Zhao, Shu Yang, Xinyi Qin, Jiongqing Huang, Haifeng Huang, Wenjing Li, Gonglingxia Jiang, Jinli Tang, Ke Dong, Nan Li*. Disentangling the Ecological Processes and Driving Forces Shaping the Seasonal Pattern of Halobacteriovorax Communities in a Subtropical Estuary. Microbial Ecology. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-023-02195-w. (JCR:Q1;中科院升级版:2区;IF=4.192)
7. 廖能健,赵华显,杨恕,李晓丽,黄炯清,覃欣怡,姜宫凌侠,黄亮亮,李楠*,广西北部湾茅尾海夏冬季浮游细菌群落结构及其影响因子,生态学报, 2023(19):1-13.DOI:10.20103/j.stxb.202208032206. (北大核心期刊)
8. Tao Jiang, Xiaohan Qin, Guannan Wu, Huaxian Zhao, Xiaotao Yu, Xueyan Xiao, Quandong Xin, Qingjing Hub, Jufa Chen, Nan Li*. “Distribution of chromophytic phytoplankton in the Western Subarctic Gyre of Pacific Ocean revealed by morphological observation and rbcL gene sequences.” Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. DOI:10.1007/s00343-022-2197-8. (JCR:Q3;中科院升级版:2区;IF=1.265)
9. Huaxian Zhao, Junya Zhang, Xing Chen, Shu Yang, Haifeng Huang, Lianghao Pan, Liangliang Huang, Gonglingxia Jiang, Jinli Tang, Qiangsheng Xu, Ke Dong, Nan Li*,Climate and nutrients regulate biographical patterns and health risks of antibiotic resistance genes in mangrove environment. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 854(4):158811 (JCR:Q1;中科院升级版:1区TOP IF=10.75)
10. Huaxian Zhao,Francis Q. Brearley, Liangliang Huang, Jinli Tang, Qiangsheng Xu,Xiaoli Li,Yuqing Huang,Shuqi Zou, Xing Chen, Weiguo Hou, Lianghao Pan,Ke Dong,Gonglingxia Jiang, Nan Li*, Abundant and Rare Taxa of Planktonic Fungal Community Exhibit Distinct Assembly Patterns Along Coastal Eutrophication Gradient, Microbial Ecology, 85, 495–507 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-022-01976-z (JCR:Q1,中科院升级版:2区TOP, IF=4.552)
11. Qiangsheng Xu, Meiqin Huang, Shu Yang, Xiaoli Li, Huaxian Zhao, Jinli Tang, Gonglingxia Jiang, Zhuoting Li, Yuqing Huang, Ke Dong, and Nan Li*. Ecological stoichiometry influences phytoplankton alpha and beta diversity rather than the community stability in subtropical bay. Ecology and Evolution, 2022;12:e9301. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.9301(JCR:Q1;中科院升级版:2区;IF=2.900)
12. Xing Chen, Huaxian Zhao, Gonglingxia Jiang, Jinli Tang, Qiangsheng Xu, Xiaoli Li, Yuqing Huang, Shuqi Zou, Ke Dong, Weiguo Hou, Lianghao Pan, Pengbin Wang, Liangliang Huang, Nan Li*,Trophic states regulate assembly processes and network structures of small chromophytic phytoplankton communities in estuarine and coastal ecosystem,Marine pollution bulletin, 2022,175:13327(JCR:Q2,中科院升级版:3区, IF=4.049)
13. Qiangsheng Xu, Pengbin Wang, Jinghua Huangleng, Huiqi Su, Panyan Chen, Xing Chen, Huaxian Zhao, Zhenjun Kang, Jinli Tang, Gonglingxia Jiang, Zhuoting Li, Shuqi Zou, Ke Dong, Yuqing Huang, Nan Li*,Co-occurrence of chromophytic phytoplankton and the Vibrio community during Phaeocystis globosa blooms in the Beibu Gulf, Science of The Total Environment,2022, 805:150303(JCR:Q1;中科院升级版: 1区TOP IF=10.75)
14. Xing Chen, Huaxian Zhao, Gonglingxia Jiang, Jinli Tang, Qiangsheng Xu, Lengjinghua Huang, Si Chen, Shuqi Zou, Ke Dong and Nan Li*, Responses of free-living Vibrio community to seasonal variation and environmental gradients in a subtropical inland bay in the Beibu Gulf, Frontiers in microbiology, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.610974 (JCR:Q1; 2区TOP,中科院升级版:2区TOP IF=4.235)
15. Nan Li, Xing Chen, Huaxian Zhao, Jinli Tang, Gonglingxia Jiang, Zhuoting Li, Xiaoli Li, Si Chen, Shuqi Zou, Ke Dong, Qiangsheng Xu*, Spatial distribution and functional profile of the bacterial community in response to eutrophication in the subtropical Beibu Gulf, China, Marine pollution bulletin, 2020, Volume 161, Part A, 111742,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111742(JCR:Q2,中科院基础版:2区TOP,中科院升级版:3区, IF=4.049)
16. Li, Nan,Dong, Ke; Jiang, Gonglingxia; Tang, Jinli; Xu, Qiangsheng; Li, Xiaoli; Kang, Zhenjun; Zou, Shuqi; Chen, Xing; Adams, Jonathan; Zhao, Huaxian*,Stochastic Processes Dominate Marine Free-Living Vibrio Community Assembly in a Subtropical Gulf,FEMS Microbiology Ecology,2020 fiaa198, https://doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiaa198(JCR:Q2,中科院基础版:2区,中科院升级版:3区, IF=3.675)
17. Xing Chen, Hong Du, Si Chen, Xiaoli Li, Huaxian Zhao, Qiangsheng Xu, Jinli Tang, Gonglingxia Jiang, Shuqi Zou, Ke Dong, Jonathan M. Adams, Nan Li*, Chengjian Jiang*.Patterns and drivers of Vibrio isolates phylogenetic diversity in the Beibu Gulf, China, Journal of Microbiology. 2020, 58, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12275-020-0293-z (JCR:Q4,中科院基础版:3区,中科院升级版:4区 IF=2.845)
18. Nan Li*,Huaxian Zhao, Gonglingxia Jiang, Qiangsheng Xu, Jinli Tang, Xiaoli Li, Jiemei Wen, Huimin Liu, Chaowu Tang, Ke Dong and Zhenjun Kang3*. Phylogenetic Responses of Marine Free-Living Bacterial Community to Phaeocystis globosa Bloom in Beibu Gulf, China, Frontiers in microbiology, 2020 https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.01624(JCR:Q1;中科院基础版:2区TOP,中科院升级版:2区TOP, IF=4.235)
19. 陈思,陈星,姜宫凌侠,赵华显,唐金利,徐强胜,蒋承建,李楠*,裂解褐藻胶海洋微生物的分离筛选及其功能基因进化分析,基因组学与应用生物学. 2021, 40(3), 1141-1149(北大核心期刊)
20. KANG Zhenjun , YANG, LAI Junxiang, NING Yi, ZHONG Qiuping, LU Dongliang, LIAO Riquan, WANG Pei, Solomon Felix Dan, SHE Zhicai, JIA Zhen, LAO Yanling, and LI Nan*,Phaeocystis globosa Bloom Monitoring:Based on P. globosa Induced Seawater Viscosity Modification Adjacent to a Nuclear Power Plant in Qinzhou Bay, China,J. Ocean Univ. China,2020,19 (5):1207–1220(JCR:Q4;中科院基础版:2区,中科院升级版:2区, IF=0.802)
21. 唐金利,李晓丽,陈星,赵华显,李楠*,北部湾茅尾海副溶血性弧菌的分离鉴定与致病性分析, 现代食品科技, 2020, 36(7):1-14. (北大核心期刊)
22. 陈星,唐金利,姜宫凌侠, 亢振军,李楠*,海洋弧菌鉴定与分类相关功能基因研究进展,广东海洋大学学报,2020,40(1): 118-127. (中国科技核心期刊)